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 The Meridian Chronicles

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Title : Chief Creatologist
Posts : 200

The Meridian Chronicles Empty
PostSubject: The Meridian Chronicles   The Meridian Chronicles EmptyWed Aug 03, 2011 11:48 pm

  • What fandom[s]? This is sort of an original/Supernatural crossover.
  • Canon characters accepted? Yes
  • Open or closed topic? Open. Come one! Come all!
  • AU (Alternate Universe)? No. All characters from fandoms follow the original creators’ rules.

Current Character Adoptions:
--Adrianne Meridian: TruthSayer
--Maddie Meridian: WannabeAussie
--Castiel: WannabeAussie

Characters up for Adoption:
--Sam Winchester
--Dean Winchester
--Kathy Monroe


"Where's my sister, you demon fuck?" Adrianne Meridian asked, voice calm even though her black eyes spat fury. Shifting her feet to better ground herself against the steep limestone slope of the quarry, her hold on the athame tightened, pressing the tip of the blade tightly against the demon's throat.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" the demon hissed, jerking his body resolutely and uselessly against her hold, the talisman Adrianne had tied around his neck preventing a more fruitful struggle.

"Don't lie to me! Lie to me again and so help me God, I will slit your worthless demon throat," Adrianne snarled, pressing the blade harder, a small deeply red bead of blood welling where the tip pierced the pale flesh.

"I swear, hunter! I don't know what you're talking about!" the demon sputtered in something like fear.

Adrianne pressed the blade harder still and then pulled it away with a jerk that ripped the talisman from around the demon's neck in one smooth move, and shoved him away from her and down the limestone to skid to a halt twenty feet below. "Get up. You're not worth my time. But I want you to spread the word to your buddies. Tell them that I will be back and I will find out who took my sister."

By the time Adrianne finished her last sentence, the demon vanished, leaving the boneless heap of a dead host in its wake.

Adrianne pulled out her cell phone, flipping it open as she slid down the steep incline, her black combat boots finding purchase easily; by the time she reached the bottom, the number she could recall from memory alone was dialed and it was already ringing. She tapped her foot impatiently waiting for the other person to pick up as she shored up beside her Jeep.

The was a click, the loud fumbling of the cell on the other end as who had answered struggled with it to find purchase against his ear. A sleepy voice muttered a curt, "What?"

"Sam? It's Adrianne," she said curtly, "Rescue mission's in the works. It's Maddie."

Sam sat up in bed, all traces of sleep gone from his voice. "Maddie? What's happened?"

"She's missing" Adrianne said, tapping a cigarette from the pack she kept in her Jeep.

"Missing? What do you mean she's missing?" Sam asked.

Adrianne released a jet of blue smoke from her nostrils, watching with a glare as it faded into the black of night, and sighed impatiently. "I mean she's gone as in not here, Sam! For Christ's sake!"

"Ok, calm down. How long has she been gone?" Sam asked, getting worried; Adrianne wasn’t the type of woman to get hysterical, and that little hitch in her tone that made her voice just that little bit higher was hysterical.

"Almost five days,” Adrianne muttered, crushing out the half-smoked cigarette beneath the heel of her boot.

"Five days?!! What the hell happened?" Sam asked, shocked; those two girls were practically inseparable.

"A disagreement," Adrianne answered, throwing the word like a gauntlet. Her face twisted into a frown as she opened the door to the Jeep and climbed inside, setting back behind the wheel and tapping the fingers of one hand on the steering wheel. "It's not like her to be gone this long. I'm getting worried." She sighed heavily into the receiver, Sam pulling the phone a bit away from his ear from the volume of it, while at the same time reaching over the side of his bed and lifting a sneaker from the floor and lobbing it across the room at the other occupant there.

Dean yelled, his side of the room becoming a mess of flying covers as he struggled through the blankets and sheet to sit, chest heaving with curses, eyes wild with anger and surprise.

When Adrianne spoke again, her voice was frustrated and clipped, as though forced through clenched teeth and chewed on heavily before they were they were finally able to escape. "Sam, I need your help on this one. And Dean's too. Will he help?"

"Of course we will help. You know we’d never turn our back on you two," Sam said, ignoring the soft snort on the other end of the line.

Dean, on the other end of the room, both feet on the floor as he hunted under his bed for the pack that rarely left his side and the gun he had hidden within, suddenly stilled in his frantic search as though he knew exactly who Sam was speaking to.

"Whatever. We have to find her. I'll tear apart the world if I have to, Sam," Adrianne said, turning the key and not finding the usual thrill at having the engine roar to life.

"We will find her. Don't worry. I'll call you later, ok?" Sam said.

"Hurry," Adrianne said, snapping the phone closed. She placed the phone back in her pocket, shifted the Jeep into gear, and eased it out of the quarry, ignoring the blurriness of her gaze and the sharp sting behind her eyes.

OOC: Free to anyone to join. If you'd like to adopt any of the current NPC characters, let us know, and they're all yours.

Last edited by TruthSayer on Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:26 pm; edited 6 times in total
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Title : Queen of Fluff
Posts : 27

The Meridian Chronicles Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Meridian Chronicles   The Meridian Chronicles EmptySat Aug 06, 2011 6:59 pm

On a hot day, the desert can be an unforgiving place. People can wander off the road and not knowing how close they really are to the road, can wander for days, with nothing to eat and nothing to drink. Mirages are plenty and many people die never knowing how close they were to civilation.

On this particular day, the sweltering desert was empty save for a few buzzards circling, hoping for something to enter and die, and an old beat up oldsmobile, kicking up dust.

The car slowly made it way down the road headed towards a shack, which stood alone amongst the cacti.

In the trunk, Madeleine groaned as she tried to shift off the hot metal. It was steadily getting hotter and Maddie was beginning to have trouble breathing.

She manager to twist around enough to beat her free against the back seat. If she didn't get out of her boiling prison soon she was going to suffocate.

After a few minutes of her kicking the seat, the car lurched to a halt, and the driver got out. She could hear shoes crunching on the sort, then she was blinded by white hot sunlight glinting off the trunks lid. She didn't have time to adjust her eyes in order to see her captor before he brought the butt of a 9 mil down hard onto her temple. The world swam before her and blood began to trickle into her eyes as she sank into the comforting arms of unconsciousness.

OOC: Madeleine. I know its a pain to type due to the way I want it spelled but we can call her Maddie for short and Madeleine when someone is really mad at her.

Note from TruthSayer: Please do not double post. If you need to, you can edit your post (button at the top right of your post). Thanks, Aussie!
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Title : Chief Creatologist
Posts : 200

The Meridian Chronicles Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Meridian Chronicles   The Meridian Chronicles EmptySat Aug 06, 2011 10:19 pm

"Who was that, Sam?" Dean asked, voice quiet, eyes demanding. He stood at the foot of Sam’s bed, arms crossed over his chest, derringer pistol held in a loose grasp in his right hand; his index finger tapped impatiently against the barrel.

Sam sighed, flinging his legs over the side of the bed and rested his elbows on his knees, rubbing his face harshly to dispel the lethargic sleepiness there as well as to buy himself time to get his thoughts ordered. Damn it, but Adrianne and Madeleine always did pick the absolute worst times to pull shit like this.

"Sam," Dean's voice cut through the silence again.

"Maddie's missing," Sam muttered, but despite his quite tone his words carried perfectly across the room, as did the tension that suddenly seemed palpable radiating from Dean. "She and Adrianne had a fight. Maddie stormed out like always, and as always, Adrianne let her have her space." Sam looked up from the ugly shag pea green carpeting, countenance rumpled, but gaze steady as he and his brother locked eyes. "Only this time, Maddie hasn't come back."

A muscle above Dean’s left eyebrow twitched. "How long has she been gone?”

"Five days."

"And Adrianne is just now worried about it," Dean snorted, rolling his eyes expressively. He sighed heavily and slumped down in the hard wooden chair behind him, thunking the gun on the table. “And I suppose Adrianne wants us to bail them out. Again.”

“We owe them,” Sam said simply.

“We’ve more than paid them back,” Dean insisted.

“We owe them, Dean,” Sam said again, crossing his arms over his chest. He sighed. "You know Adrianne, Dean. And you know Maddie. And you know that those two work together as well as we do, and they fight as much as we do, too. It sucks, and it cuts into our hunts, but we owe them more than helping out once or twice could compensate for."

Dean grumbled incoherently, slumping low in the chair and splaying his legs out before him, arms crossed over his chest; Sam nearly smiled at the sulk, but managed to catch himself in time.

"Either way," Dean muttered, eyes dark as he stared at nothing, "Adrianne should have known better."

"And so should Maddie have, too," Sam countered, then sighed and pinched his nose harshly. "As it is, we need to make a decision. Our case, or theirs?"

Dean frowned deeply, the lines cutting into his face making him seem years older. “Theirs, obviously.” But he didn’t sound too pleased with the decision, and it wasn't difficult to know what was going through Dean’s head, as the same thoughts were slamming around in Sam's own mind.

They'd spent three days under a month on their current 'good deed'. A very long while to spend on any venture, but Demon Village, or New York, New York, was not an easy place to track pure evil as 'pure evil' seemed to be nothing more than a craze in the city that moved from block to block, neighborhood to neighborhood as quickly as the black plague. 'Evil' was nothing more than a byword. But after nearly a month of combing through the belly of the New York underworld, after nigh-on 31 days of climbing through sewers, exhausting themselves, and nearly killing themselves to follow this through to its end, they might not see it come to fruition... The thought was frustrating and damnably depressing.

And yet, Madeleine and Adrianne were in trouble, and the debt the two brothers owed them was far from being paid...

The four of them had never really all gotten along as a whole. To Sam, Madeleine seemed weak, girly, and far too unqualified for the harsh life of a hunter that sometimes required you be as hard and hateful as those demons you strive to kill daily. To Madeleine, Sam had always seemed slightly chauvinistic and snobbish.

Dean and Adrianne took great delight in attempting to ruin each other's lives in the worst ways possible. Be it allowing the other to get arrested, or to be tied to an alter with the hilt of a demon's blade pressed to their jugular; in these respects, nothing was sacred.

"We could call Bobby and have him take over here," Sam muttered.

"It would take him too long to get here," Dean countered, shaking his head.

Sam’s phone chirped on the night table, and he reached over to flip it open. “Yes?” he said.

“Why haven’t you left yet?” Adrianne Meridian demanded; the sound of the road was loud through the phone’s small earpiece, the wind racing through the open top of the woman’s jeep as she sped down an anonymous highway toward their normal rendezvous.

Sam smirked, the expression hard. “We’re on our way.”


The house was in the center of Arizona’s largest desert. Built into the hard sun-baked rock around it, it was perfectly camouflaged from anyone who didn’t already know where they were going. The house was small, just a matchbox living room with kitchenette off to one side, and a bedroom with a closet bathroom. It was naturally cool in the summer and warm during the desert’s frigid winter nights. In front of the house, a beat up Oldsmobile was parked beneath a camouflage net, the engine still hot as coolant dripped steadily onto the cracked dirt beneath it.

Inside, a young woman had just finished tying one of the infamous Meridian sisters spread-eagle to the four corners of the rusted metal bed frame. The young woman’s eyes were so dark that in the right light they could be perceived as black, but she was no demon. She was Kathy Monroe, bounty hunter, and she was going to get sell this Hunter bitch to the highest bidder.
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Title : Queen of Fluff
Posts : 27

The Meridian Chronicles Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Meridian Chronicles   The Meridian Chronicles EmptyMon Aug 15, 2011 11:57 am

Madeleine slowly came back to consciousness, only to realize she was bound to a bed and incapable of movie anything other than her head. She blinked once then twice trying to make the room stop spinning and focus. She could taste the metallic copper of blood in her mouth as if she had been sucking on a brand new penny, and then remembered that someone had practically caved in her skull with a handgun.

That person sat across the room from the bed, slowly sharpening a knife with a wicked looking blade. The blade glinted in what little light the dingy room provided and Maddie found it difficult to look away from the weapon. She coughed and her captor looked up and gave a wry smile.

"well its about time. For a minute there I thought I had killed you. That would not do at all." She said, and slowly pulled the blade across the whet stone. It made a rather chilling grinding noise that made Maddie want to jam an ice pick in her ears.

"who are you?" Maddie croaked. She didnt like the sound of her voice through her water starved throat.

Her captor shrugged, nonchalantly and said, "I'm a bounty hunter and I was hired to find you or your sister, but preferably you, since you're the one who has history with Dean, and the one who hired me wants him back. He was not happy at all when the angel pulled him out of the pit, and he will stop at nothing to get him back. They had so much fun down there."

"What are you talking about? The pit? Angel?" Maddie said, beginning to panic.

Had those two morons gotten her and Adrianne into something without telling them?

"Oh! Didnt Dean or Sammy tell you? Dean went to hell. Yep. Spent 40 years there, and tortured innocent souls to save his own hide. Well perhaps they weren't all that innocent, seeing as how they were in hell. Anyway, Alastair wants his torture buddy back and you're going to lead me to him. Or maybe I'll just sell you to highest bidder. I was originally going to do that, you know the whole renegade bounty hunter thing, but then I decided maybe Alastair would reward me for bringing him the famous Dean Winchester"

Maddie felt sick. Dean had actually willingly helped torture souls? And who was this angel?

Dean and Sam sat in the Impala headed towards their rendevous with Adrianne. They didnt speak for a while, and suddenly there was a third passenger in the car. "Madeleine has been taken by a bounty hunter, somewhere in Arizona." the voice said, shattering the silence between Dean and Sam.

Dean, as always, jumped. "dammit Cass. You have really gotta stop that, man!"

"My apologies Dean. Sometimes I forget that you are merely human" Castiel said, in his dead serious voice. Angels dont kid. Sam looked out the window and attempted to hide a smile.

O.C.C my time at the library ended otherwise i would have posted more. I hope you like. and I hope I didnt break any rules... let me know if I did and I'll change it.
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Title : Chief Creatologist
Posts : 200

The Meridian Chronicles Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Meridian Chronicles   The Meridian Chronicles EmptyMon Aug 15, 2011 9:16 pm

Adrianne would have been tapping her foot against the cracked linoleum of the diner floor if she had been the type to do so. She possibly would have drummed her fingers uselessly against the stained yellow tabletop of the booth in which she sat, or even jammed the spoon she was using to stir condensed milk into her coffee into the back of the heads of the twenty-something couple sitting directly behind her that hadn't stopped attempting to jam their tongues down each others' throats since she came in, but Adrianne wasn't the type to do that either.

Instead, she glared down into her mug, immersed in the tinking sound of the spoon striking the ceramic sides of the mug gently, and the ticking of her watch.

Dean and Sam were late, and the trail linking her to Madeleine was growing weaker and weaker the longer Adrianne sat waiting for the two men to show up. It didn't help that the last lead Adrianne had was a witch who prided himself on being a pathological liar.

Adrianne dropped her forehead into her hand, rubbing gently at her temples in an attempt to dispel the ache that had been there for nearly a week.

The roar of the Impala was easily heard from a block away from the shabby little diner in No Where, New Mexico, but Adrianne didn't lift her head when she heard it draw closer. Nor did she raise her eyes when she heard the tell-tale squeal of the car's door hinges when Sam and Dean moved to get out, but did pause a moment in her thoughts when she heard a third door slam.

Adrianne blinked, near black eyes narrowing in a moment of hesitant confusion before she finally lifted her eyes to gaze out the window, eyes locking on the unknown man walking a step behind the Winchesters; it wasn't like Sam and Dean to work with anyone but Bobby, especially since the truth about Sam had become common hunter knowledge years ago.

Adrianne leaned back in her seat, one finger running slowly along the rim of her mug, and waited.
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Title : Queen of Fluff
Posts : 27

The Meridian Chronicles Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Meridian Chronicles   The Meridian Chronicles EmptyTue Aug 16, 2011 4:25 pm

A/N: Oh my Lord, this totally blows. My apologies ahead of time...

Sam opened the door of the diner, blinking against the harsh flourescent light. He, Dean and Castiel walked over to where Adrianne was sitting in a back booth. Dean and Castiel squeezed together on one side while Sam took the available spot next to Adrianne.

A waitress noticed their entrance and made her way over to them. She asked if they would like menus and Castiel opened his mouth to say yes. Dean interrupted, saying they didn't need anything at the moment. He looked at Castiel and said, rather irritably, "We don't have time for you to eat a million and one cheeseburgers, Cass. Can't your vessel show some restraint? damn!".

Sam smirked, because usually it was Dean cramming cheeseburgers down his throat. Or any other food for that matter.

Castiel, never being one to sugarcoat things, looked at Adrianne and said, "Your sister is in grave danger. I've heard rumors that she's been kidnapped by someone hired to find Dean."

"No shit, Sherlock, we kinda figured she had been kidnappped." Dean grumbled.

"Dean. Lay off him, will ya?" Sam said.

Castiel looked at Dean with narrowed eyes and not a trace of a smile. Not that he ever smiled. Castiel was far to serious to smile.

"As I was saying, it appears your sister has the Enochian Sigil somewhere on her body, and thats the reason I cannot locate her." Castiel continued, unfazed by the fact that Adrianne most likely had no idea what the hell he was talking about. Sam watched Adrianne's face for signs that she thought they had all lost it.

"Adrianne, I should explain. Castiel here is an angel." Sam said. "Usually he can locate anyone no matter where they are unless they have the Enochian Sigil which is kinda like Angel Repellant I guess." He continued, still watching her face intently. As she had not said a word yet, it was hard to tell what she was thinking.


Madeleine tried to wrap her mind around the thought of Dean being in Hell and that an angel of all things had pulled him out. She had always believed in the monsters under the bed and other creatures of the night, but she had never stopped to think that there might be beings of good too. Oh sure, she believed in God and whatnot, but she didnt really think angels were real. Although come to think of it, if demons were real, why not angels?

Kathy Monroe had stopped sharpening the knife and was now huddled over an old moldy book, chanting in another language. Madeleine guessed she was summoning whatever demon had hired her. Maybe to help break maddie, because she would never willingly give up Dean and Sam, and especially not her sister, who was most likely recruiting the brothers help even as she thought it.

For the first time in a very long time she began to pray to God that he would help her out of this predicament somehow. Maybe He would send her sister to help her. Time would tell.
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Title : Chief Creatologist
Posts : 200

The Meridian Chronicles Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Meridian Chronicles   The Meridian Chronicles EmptyThu Aug 18, 2011 1:53 am

Adrianne took a slow, cautious sip of her coffee despite the fact that it had cooled to tepid in the small diner's impressive air conditioning, and licked her lips before muttering, "We've met. Nice host, Castiel. A bit leaner than the last one, isn't he?"

"You've... met?" Sam asked, brow furrowing.

"I think Maggie would have said something about knowing an angel," Dean said at the same time.

"I didn't say anything about Maddie, dip shit," Adrianne muttered, and set her mug back on the table. "Maddie doesn't know anything about angels."

"But you do," Sam ventured, waving a hand to chase away the fly hovering next to his face.

"Why do you insist on stating the obvious?" Adrianne asked, annoyed, as she flicked her gaze toward Sam. "Especially when I didn't call you here for an amicable chat?"

"Sorry," Sam muttered, disgruntled.

"Cass thinks she's being held somewhere in Arizona," Dean said, tapping a restless finger against the tabletop even as his right leg jumped furiously against the floor.

Adrianne's fine black brows furrowed and she pierced Dean with a glare. "To get to you."

"Conjecture," Sam said, "and not the point at the moment. Tell us what you know."

"Not much," Adrianne muttered, running her finger around the rim of her mug. "My trail died out since I talked to you last. A witch did say something about a bounty hunter, but that's all I know. I do have a contact in Arizona that might be able to drum something up, though."

"Then what are we still doing here?" Dean asked, and stood.

Sam slid out from the booth, habit making him hold his hand out to help Adrianne, who spurned his offer with a cold glare. She dug into the back pocket of her jeans and threw down a small crumpled wad of ones, then turned toward the door without a backward glance.

"I'm riding with you," she threw over her shoulder, and went outside toward her Jeep, keys jangling in her loose fingers. When she reached the Jeep, she pulled a large beige knapsack from the passenger side and walked around to the back, where she pressed a hidden catch on the Jeep's undercarriage. A slight hiss sounded before she was able to pull up the false bottom of the small back, revealing a trunk full of the tools of her trade.

Semi-automatics with several boxes of ammunition were set into the knapsack, along with shotguns and shells full of rock salt, a canister of blessed holy water, wooden stakes, vicious looking silver knives with runes carved into their blades, and a set of brass knuckles. Two beautifully crafted silver derringer pistols were shoved into the duel shoulder holsters Adrianne was never without, along with three extra boxes worth of hollow point bullets. A wicked looking hunting knife was carefully placed into the sheath hidden in her right boot, along with a set of slender silver knives perfectly weighted for throwing into the hidden sheath she wore strapped to her right forearm.

After rifling a moment through her's and Madeleine's stash of fake IDs and then deciding to throw them all in, Adrianne zipped the knapsack and hefted it over her shoulder with a strength that greatly belied her diminutive size, threw a black leather bomber jacket over her other arm, and headed toward the Impala, black eyes bright with thoughts of what she was going to do to the bitch who took her sister shining within them.

OOC: If you mind Adrianne knowing who Cass is, let me know, and I'll switch up the post a bit.
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Title : Queen of Fluff
Posts : 27

The Meridian Chronicles Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Meridian Chronicles   The Meridian Chronicles EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 3:43 pm

Kathy Monroe finished her chant and looked up, momentarily bewildered by the fact that Alistair had not appeared. “Maybe, he got held up” Madeleine said in her snarky voice; Her Sagittarian sun sign seemed to rear its ugly head at the most inopportune times.

“Shut up” Kathy growled at Maddie. She was getting anxious. Why did the demon want her to summon him if he wasn’t going to show? Sometimes she just wanted to get out of this business. The pay was utter crap and she had to hunt down and hold hostage small fish like Madeleine Meridian. But how else was she supposed to find Dean Winchester? And Madeleine had a total kick ass sister, who would just as soon slit your throat as look at you, no questions asked. She definitely didn’t want to be around when that bitch with balls showed up. Damn, where IS that demon?

“Ah such impatience” a voice said behind her. He had a really annoying drawl and something that almost sounded like a lisp but not quite. Kathy spun around as Alistair emerged from the shadows, holding an even bigger knife than the one Kathy had been sharpening. In his other hand were what looked like leather straps. “Good work Kathy. We will talk business as soon as I have a little fun with this one” he said, gesturing with the straps towards Madeleine, who now turned pale and began to struggle against her bonds.

Alistair approached the bed and looked down at Maddie. “So beautiful. Pity I’ll have to torture the information out of you. I know how stubborn humans can be. Why don’t you save yourself the pain and tell me where Dean is, hmmm?” He lightly ran the blade of the knife along Maddie’s arm causing the skin to prickle in gooseflesh. “Even if I knew where he was, I would never betray my friend and fellow hunter. Not all humans are backstabbing bitches. Like demons.” Maddie said, and with that she spit right into Alistair’s face.

He calmly wiped the saliva off his face and smiled down at Maddie. His smile chilled her to the bone and she imagined this is what it felt like just before a giant shark took a huge chunk out of your body.

He stood over her for a moment and then in one swift movement, he had a leather chin strap attached to the bed preventing her from moving her head at all. He used the sharp blade of the knife to slice off her clothes then bound her chest and legs to the bed as well. She was effectively cocooned to the bed and could move nothing. Already her limbs were going numb from the lack of blood circulation.

“I think I’ve been pretty lenient on you so far. Tell me where Dean is.” Alistair said. “Fuck off” Maddie said, not without a little difficulty.

Alistair’s eyes flashed with rage and he drew the sharp edge of the blade down Maddie’s arm, a bright ribbon of red blood following the knife's wake. Maddie closed her eyes, and bit down on her cheeks to keep from crying out from pain.

“Where is Dean?” Alistair repeated. “Fuck you!” Maddie spat. “Such language spewing from such a beautiful mouth. Alright we’ll do this the hard way, if you wish.” Alistair said, slicing into Maddies stomach. This time it wasn’t just a ribbon of blood from the wound but quite a bit more. It ran down her side and began to soak into the mattress. Maddie screamed, unable to stop herself.

A little deliriously, she wondered if Adrianne could feel her pain, like some close siblings were rumored to be able to do.
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Title : Chief Creatologist
Posts : 200

The Meridian Chronicles Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Meridian Chronicles   The Meridian Chronicles EmptyTue Aug 30, 2011 12:22 am

The road to Arizona was long, hot, and silent. Adrianne was not one for idle conversation, although she did threaten to slit Dean's throat if he played Matallica one more time; Dean switched to Pantera, the furious screeching of electric guitars and high whine of the lead singer's voice a perfect counterpoint to just how desperate Adrianne was becoming.

Madeleine was one of the very few people in this world Adrianne had left to her, and Adrianne coveted her as though Madeleine was a precious stone. Oh, Adrianne was not fooled; her sister could be just as cutthroat and vicious as any other Hunter when the moment called for it, was just as tainted by the life they led as the two bantering in the front seat, but Madeleine was able to hope for more, something outside of the demons, vampires, ghosts, and goblins.

Adrianne, while not necessarily in love with the life she led, was not the type to hope for something that was beyond what was right in front of her. She was not the type to believe in what she could not touch, smell, or taste, nor was she the sort who looked forward to something that, in her opinion, was never going to be. Good would never triumph over evil; evil would never manage to completely do away with good. She had read once, that there were seven demons for every human on earth: one for every day of the week.

Adrianne leaned her head against the warm glass of the window, watching the thick white fog of her breath on the glass intently as the scenery of the New Mexico Bad Lands flashed by in a blur.

So why the hell did Adrianne do this job? She and Madeleine had been raised in a family of Hunters, much as the Winchester boys. Their father had carted they from the frozen tundras of northern Canada to the sweltering rain forests of South America in search for the truth behind the lore of each and every legend he could get his hands on. It was a highly dysfunctional life, but Adrianne had loved it. It felt good, knowing that, as a child, she had helped her father cleanse a very small part of this world of the evil that ran rampant through it; and as a woman, she found she still felt the thrill of justice delivered when she and her sister vanquished the monsters that lurked in the dark.

"Welcome to Arizona," Dean muttered from the front seat.

Adrianne blinked, her eyes adjusting to the sudden blackness surrounding the car. Night had fallen, thick and without the light of stars, without her even noticing. The road on the right and left of the car was nonexistent, allowing the fanciful thought that they were flying through space. She lifted her head and leaned forward, resting her arms on the middle of the front seat, and stared out at the harshly weathered road the Impala's headlights cut into the night.

"We need to go to Phoenix," she murmured.

Dean nodded, attempted to say, "Yeah," but was cut off by a yawn that stretched his mouth wide. "Yeah," he said, and nodded his head wearily.

"Do you want me to drive?" Sam asked, his brow creased as it normally was when he regarded his brother.

"Nope," Dean said, "I got this."

"You get us into an accident," Adrianne said as she leaned back against the back seat and closed her eyes, "because you fall sleep, and I'll shoot you in the foot."

Dean shot her a look, half curious, half worried.

OOC: Sorry I took so long to post. Family over the weekend and all!
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Title : Queen of Fluff
Posts : 27

The Meridian Chronicles Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Meridian Chronicles   The Meridian Chronicles EmptyWed Sep 07, 2011 4:52 pm

Dean floored the accelerator as far as it would go, the Impala nearly redlining from the increase of speed. Sam unconciously grabbed onto the door and his entire boudy stiffened. "Dean can you PLEASE slow down? We wont be any good to Maddie if we are splattered all over the highway," He said through clenched teeth.

If Dean could have accelerated more he would have, but the pedal was already pressed against the floorboard. Suddenly Castiel spoke up from the backseat. "Slow down, Dean. We are close. I can feel it."

Dean stepped on the brake so hard, all of the passengers went forward with the momentum. The brakes locked up and the skidded for a minute across the desert floor, coming finally to a rest five feet from a huge cactus.

Nobody spoke for a moment, then Castiel pointed out the windshield. "She's there" he said indicating a house that was really nothing more than a shack. Vultures circled as if knowing that someone or something was about to die.

Dean got out of the care, followed by the others. Castiel had, as usual, up and disappeared. Dean reached into the trunk and grabbed a 12 gauge shotgun and tossedweapons to the other tow. Then he turned toward the house, cocked the gun and gestured for Sam and Adrianne to follow.

Dean tried to approach slowly and as quietly as possible, but the sound of his shoes crunching on dirt was abnormally loud in his ears. He peeked through a dirty window and could barely make out Maddie on the bed being torutred. His breath cause in his throat as the demon turned slightly. It was Alistair. Dean thought he had seen the last of that crazy ass.

He motioned for Sam and Adrianne to cover him and he kicked in the door. Kathy jerked her head up and the unexpected intrusion. Dean shot Alistair point blank in the chest. It wouldn't stop a demon as powerful as Alistair but it would buy them some time.

Sam rushed to Maddie and swiftly untied her bonds. She gasped in breath and shakily got to her feet. Ruby's knife glittered on the floor near Sams feet. She had no idea how Alistair hadn't seen it right there out in the open. She bent and picked it up, handing it to Sam with a look in her eyes that said, "Kill him". Sam shrugged out of his flanel shirt and placed it around Maddie's shoulders, then turned to help Dean. He crossed the room in three strides, looped his arm around Alistairs neck and stabbed him from behind with Ruby's knife. Sam let go of the body and it thumped lifelessly to the floor.

Kathy Monroe huddled in the corner trying to make herself as small as possible. She was a bounty hunter but sudeenly the coward in her was rearing its ugly head and she didnt really want to die.

Maddies picked up the knife Kathy had been sharpening. She paused to get her bearings and looked over at her sister. Then she turned back to her prey and walked over to where she was crouched against the wall. Rage glittered in Maddie's green eyes. She grabbed a handful of dirty blonde hair, yanked her head back and slit the womans throat. Then she jammed it into her chest and one more time into her stomach. A flood of hot red blood washed over Madeleines hand and she pulled the knife from the bounty hunter. As kathy took a last breath she saw only contempt in Maddie's eyes. how had things come so unraveled so fast.

Maddie watched Kathy die with next to no emotion. Killing her would be killer felt good. Almost TOO good.

O.O.C Srry it took so long. been busy. and I didnt remember how Alistair died in the show so I made it up. feel free to change anything thats necessary
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